How to Make Him Fall in Love
with You on Your Next Date

Loving someone and being loved in return is, perhaps, one of the greatest things in life.

You put all your heart & soul into planning the perfect date so that everything goes smoothly. You really connect and have a great time and hope to grow closer and closer after each wonderful date. 

If you are looking for that magical date that will make your man fall head over heels for you, ladies, look no further. I have the perfect dinner date for you! Right in your own home! What can be more romantic than a meal, cooked by you with love and served in the privacy and warmth of your own home. Going to restaurants can be enjoyable, but there is definitely no privacy there, and with all the noise and distraction it is hard for him to focus just on you. Besides, he will be tickled pink that you went through all the effort of preparing a meal just for him! It makes it so much more special, and it shows him how important he is to you. And everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach...


So now you know that a date at home where you cook the food yourself is way better than having it in a restaurant. However, cooking is not everything. What you should also know is that how you present the food and even how you set the atmosphere is just as important. That’s why a romantic table setting is a vital component to making him fall in love with you – now you have much better odds!

Here, I’m going to share with some crucial tips for a successful date prepared at home. This works on any meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner at any time of the day. And, it’s not only for soon-to-be couples, it also works on married couples that want to keep the fire burning. So, without further ado, ladies, let’s jump right in.

In This Article:

  • The Right Approach
  • The Romantic Tablesetting
  • The Lighting Ambience
  • The Music & Mood
  • The Delicious Food

1. The Right Approach

So, whether this is going to be your first or hundredth date together, it still starts with an approach. Yes, you still have to make sure he knows it’s going to be a date – just keep it casual. This is just to guarantee he’s going to be present and won’t leave you eating alone after all the effort.

The approach you want is somewhat a hint, and an agreement. Never make it forceful in any way. Remember, it’s a date and both of you should enjoy and want it. You can tell him in a subtle manner if you want it to be a surprise: “I’ve just mastered a new recipe I’ve been recently working on and I’d really like it if you’d try it out – wink” The approach not only seems like it’s just going to be casual, allowing you to surprise him with a romantic table setting for the two of you, it’s also a very subtle one that you can try it in almost any kind of situation.

Now, there are so many ways to approach a guy without being too pushy. You just have to keep in mind, that you want it to sound acceptable if postponed or declined (hopefully not). Also, you have to make sure that it’s not going to be spontaneous, or it’ll be a disaster for you if he can’t make it. Be natural and remember to keep it cool.


2. The Romantic Table Setting Preparation

Now that you’ve managed to arrange a date with him, it’s time to prepare. There are five things you want prepared to create a romantic table setting or ambiance: table setting, lighting, music, dinnerware and presentation.

To create a romantic table setting, it all starts with how you set your table. It doesn't matter if you use a simple dish or most exquisite wine glass, it's all how it's presented. Even if you have expensive dinnerware, but you don't take the time to set your table properly, it just won't make a great impression.

Firstly, you need to have some dinnerware – whether traditional round plates or modern square plates, it depends on your style or the decor in your home. I strongly suggest white porcelain dinnerware, preferably in a pretty shape. That’s because you want to make sure that your food will stand out and look beautiful and appetizing on your plate, plus it’s the safest to use on any kind of recipe you’d want to prepare.

Next, you need to plan how you will set the table. If you have a nice table, you can just put pretty placemats, and if you would like some added elegance, a table runner. If your table is not so attractive, the best option is to use a tablecloth to cover it up. Keep the tablecloth solid so as not to look too busy and detract from your table setting. If you own a solid white tablecloth, you can use that and decide to add some color to the table.

Now, you need some nice flatware. It will look better if the flatware matches the look you are going for. A nice sheen will look more elegant than a matte finish.

On to the glasses. It looks really classy if you have a few different glasses in various sizes, like for water and wine. If you can intersperse some colored glasses in the mix, they can really spice up the look of your table. Wine goblets are a must! It just instantly creates a romantic feel when food is accompanied with wine.

The type of wine you’d want depends on the dish. Just a rule of thumb, white wine is to white meat and red wine is to red. So choose well!

Lastly, the centerpiece. A table can look really bare, with just two place settings and nothing in the center. A pretty vase filled with flowers can add a romantic mood instantly, especially with some candles spread around it. You can vary the sizes of the candles, and put them in pretty candleholders, or just on glass coasters. Throwing some extra petals on the table, between the candles, will really wow him. Try getting a black vase, (buy it on our site) and filling it with a dozen red roses. Cut the stems of the flowers short enough, so that the flowers form a tight bunch when they are inserted in the vase, and they don’t look long and leggy. You can also put out some salads or relish in pretty serving dishes to add more fullness to your tablesetting. (shop serving dishes and dinnerware here)


3. The Lighting Ambience

Light, without a doubt, can change our mood in an instant. Just think about a sunny day versus a rainy day. Sunny days just encourage people to smile more often than on pale gray days. Well, we’re not promoting depression here so you better have the right kind of lights. Though candles are there to provide romantic and warm light, you still need to turn on a couple of dim natural yellow lights or a lamp or two, so that your face and food is clearly visible. But stay away from very bright or harsh lights as it kills that romantic mood.


4. The Music & Mood

Okay, last but not least is music. The atmosphere no matter how beautiful would still seem to lack life without sound. That’s why music is certainly a must in any date. Music is one answer to how to make him fall in love with you – so be absolutely sure you’re not going to ignore music. Now, the tricky part is that people have different tastes in music. The first thing to do is to compile songs that he preferably wants – of course, they should be love songs. If you’re uncertain, you can opt for classical music to make it safe. Use songs without vocals and never set them on high volume. They have to be minimal but still hearable nonetheless – especially when both of you aren’t talking.

5. The Food

Of course, what good would a date be without good food? That’s why I’m going to provide you what I think would be a delicious meal and will quickly become the favorite for both of you. It’s easy to prepare, fast to cook, and mouthwateringly delicious. Plus, it's meat which is a male favorite.

Grilled Flank Salad with Corn Radish Salad


Flank Steak
1 ½ - 2 lbs Flank Steak
¼ Cup chopped Italian Parsley
1 ½ tsp smoked paprika
⅛ Cup olive oil

Radish Corn Salad
3 ears corn on the cob
shucked 10 radishes-very thinly sliced
¼ of a red onion- very thinly sliced ( about ¼ cup)
1 ½ tsp kosher salt
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cracked pepper
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 ½ teaspoon cumin
¼ Cup fresh lime juice ( 2 limes)

Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time:35 mins

Instructions: Mix cumin, salt, and the smoked paprika in a small bowl. Then, evenly coat each sides of the steak with the spice and let allow it to sit for about 30 minutes in room temperature. This gives you time to prepare your salad. To make Corn-Radish Salad, clean the corn by eliminating all the stray threads with a clean kitchen towel. Cut the kernels off using a large knife and put into a bowl. Then, slice the radish and onions into thin pieces and place it together with the kernel. Add the chopped parsley along with the lime juice, salt, pepper, coriander, and olive oil. Mix them together and set aside. Pre-heat the grill on high heat. Grill meat high heat until steak is nicely charred on each side and cooked to medium rare, about 5 minutes each side. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with Corn Radish Salad.


With this savory dish and with romantic table setting, you’ll be sure to make him fall in love with you in no time. It’s fun, easy, and, above all, effective. That’s why I’m pretty sure you’ll do great! Also, don’t limit yourself to my food suggestion. You can cook your best recipe if you’d like and it will still perfectly match with the tablesetting I’ve provided. Best of luck and I hope you’ll capture his heart entirely!

Credits: feastingathome